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Frequently Asked Questions

I've Got Answers

Below you’ll find a collection of frequently asked questions that I tend to receive. If you still have something you’d like to know, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Why should I hire a nutritional consultant?

 There is so much noise out there surrounding what you should eat, when you should eat and how much you should eat.  There is no perfect diet.  Our nutritional needs change throughout life, and my services help eliminate a lot of the guesswork.  

What is the purpose of nutritional counseling?

My goal as your nutritionist is to release you from your food biases, help you enjoy food as well as meet your nutritional needs and health goals.  

What results can I expect from a nutritionist consultation?

Macronutrient clients benefit from increased muscle mass, fat loss, and a positive change to training results (PRS). Results depend on your goals and the amount of work you put into the program. Weight loss is not linear, but with my approach, we look to make a lifelong change that will help you reach a healthy weight and stay there.

What are the benefits of working with a Holistic Nutrition Consultant

Benefits include increased energy, better sleep, less bloat, decreased stress/anxiety around food, increased bone density, ability to go off prescription medications, and a positive response to exercise. 

What's your specialty and approach?

Anyone can benefit from nutritional meal planning services, but I have experience and success with the below special groups.

  • Prenatal, Postpartum, and menopausal women (eating for hormone health)

  • Autoimmune disease protocols

  • Sports nutrition for athletes (high school, collegiate and weekend warriors)

  • Family nutrition: Meal planning services for busy families 

    • Including meal planning for families with food allergies 


My approach is highly customized to fit my client's specific needs. Learn more about My Approach.

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